Sorry folks, running a little behind here!
But here's a great piece from the very talented Sarah Madura!
Sorry for the delay folks, I had some last minute travel and couldn't access my computer.
Intermission is a great time for a mini comic! This one is by Waterwriter144, who is also the official cosplayer for Spinnerette!
Part 2 of The Hostess arc will start on 1/28.
Howdy folks! That's the end of part 1 of this arc, it'll be a 3-parter!
We'll be taking a quick break, but look for new Spinnerette comics starting on January 16th!
Also, new White Heron strips on Webtoon!
We'll be at Argentina Comic Con this weekend!
Spinnerette will return next Wednesday the 12th!
Hi Guys! I'm traveling this week for the day job and can't update the comic, here's another piece by Andrea Jen!
Issue 28 is drawn by Pablo Rey, and colors by Noelia Sequeira. Patreon backers are already familiar with their work, and I hope you'll welcome them to the Spinnerette team!
Rocio will still be drawing Spinnerette as well.